October 01, 2012 Dentists concerned about economic recovery By Kelly Soderlund, ADA News staff Dentists…
Comparative assessment of clinical performance of esthetic bracket materials.
Comparative assessment of clinical performance of esthetic bracket materials.
Conclusions: Both bracket types presented adequate clinical performance at least for the time period studied and in terms of esthetic appearance and morphologic integrity. PMID: 22229823 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher] (Source: The Angle Orthodontist) Original Page: http://www.medworm.com/index.php?rid=5579455&cid=s_37502_11_f&fid=37502&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fentrez%2Fquery.fcgi%3Ftmpl%3DNoSidebarfile%26db%3DPubMed%26cmd%3DRetrieve%26list_uids%3D22229823%26dopt%3DAbstract