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2016 Orthodontic Course in Moose Lake, MN


Experience all aspects of our 12-Sesson Orthodontic Training Course for the General Practitioner by attending this Get Acquainted session on May 7, 2016. Earn 6 CDE hours with our “Introductory Orthodontic Session” for only $150. This session is FREE if you enroll in the full course!

View the full PDF brochure for this upcoming Moose Lake 12-Session Course

The ACADEMY OF Gp ORTHODONTICS offers comprehensive orthodontic continuing education courses for the General Practitioner where you treat patients, not typodonts. Our 12-session course meets one weekend every two months and consists of a Friday classroom instruction and a Saturday comprehensive clinical hands-on training utilizing the Differential Straight-Arch® Technique. This technique employs differential forces and mechanics and is separated into three main stages. Each stage has its own objectives which are explained in detail in the course text. Our courses are limited in number of participants to maintain a dynamic student-to-instructor learning experience. You will treat a case load of patients from bracketing to retention for a full clinical experience. We provide free support and case consultation, along with available staff training. Course tuition is easily recovered by beginning three-four cases in your own practice. We will give you the tools and confidence to incorporate orthodontics into your general practice!

Dr Roy Holexa, Academy of Gp Orthodontics Course InstructorCOURSE INSTRUCTOR
Roy Holexa, D.D.S. graduated from Loyola University School of Dentistry in 1976, where he was a member of the teaching faculty. He began his orthodontic training in 1985 under the direction of the late Dr. Charles Yates, and began using the Differential Straight-Arch® Technique when it was introduced in 1987. Dr. Holexa is a member of the American Orthodontic Society and past president of the Academy of Gp Orthodontics. He has actively served on the Academy’s Board of Directors and is currently serving on the Advisory Board. Dr. Holexa resides in Fountain Hills, Arizona where he is currently a Comprehensive Care Unit Clinical Director at the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health in Mesa.

To learn more or sign up call 800-634-2027.


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